Thursday, February 10, 2011

Bye Bye, Carbs

So, I've been inspired by my friend, Shanna.  Like her, I never have believed in the whole no-carb/low-carb craze.  In fact, I subscribe more to the idea of the ALL-carb diet.  I would rather eat breads, grains, cereals than any other food group.  And after thinking about how many carbs I take in on any given day, I thought "holy hell! I need to get this level WAY down!!!" 

And then, Shanna shed new light on it.  She said the whole purpose of cutting out carbs for 2 weeks on diets--like the South Beach diet--is to get rid of the CRAVING for carbs and sugars.  If you cut out anything for 2 weeks, your cravings for that thing decline by a huge percentage.  So if I cut out carbs for 2 weeks, then gradually allow them back into my diet, I will have made a HUGE step in cutting down on my carb-o-level.

So, I'm trying it.  For 2 weeks, no breads, grain, starches.  I'm leaving in some fruit, but cutting back by a lot. Lot's of protein (who'da thunk it) and leafy greens, here I come!

One thing I'll need help on--breakfast.  I came up with menu upon menu for luch and dinner, but there's seriously not a lot of options out there for a low-carb breakfast.  Turkey bacon, check. Eggs, check. Yogurt, check.....and that's about it. So help!

1 comment:

  1. So happy to inspire you! I'm almost done with my 2 weeks and I feel great and it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. You'll be amazed at how creative you'll get! Good luck and let me know if you need a pep talk!
    Love, your friend who cheated and ate corn chips last night
