Monday, September 20, 2010

Randomness is my life

So I realized recently that apparently I must give off some sort of crazy vibe that screams "please! Tell me your entire life story!!"  "Think of the most personal thing in your life and tell me, please, I'm dying to know!"  While it's sometimes inconvenient, most of the time its AWESOME and makes for some hilarious stories. The most recent of which was in an innocent trip to Target.  I was just grabbing new mascara from the makeup isle, when a high-school (maybe early college) aged girl stopped me to ask a beauty-related question.  Sure, why not. Hit me.  She simply asked, "what's the best concealer you've ever used to cover up really really good?"

So naturally, I look straight at her neck.  Because why else would you need really REALLY good concealer?  Yep, there was a hickey.  No big deal.  The one she had in her hand would suffice.

So I said, "Yep, good choice there. Go with that one."  Simple. Problem fixed. Started walking on....

Then she said, "Oh good. My boyfriend has hickeys ALLLL over his neck, and his mom is PISSED because he has (some sort of really important *insert club here* activity) pictures tomorrow. And by hickeys all over, I mean EVERYWHERE.  His mom is going to KILL me if we don't get this covered up!"

Wow....ummm, okay.....she wants more guidance? She's super-proud of the hickeys? Okay, no need for an awkward moment where I just smile and walk away, wondering why she filled me in on that, so I just said, "oh, okay, well, yeah, after you put that cover-up on, use a little powder or something so you make sure and match his neck to his face for the pictures...."......?????

1 comment:

  1. Reminds me of this time two weeks ago when I was sitting in the break room at work and this lady starts saying how her fiance's sister called her these names that I dont like to hear much less type out. I was like um, I think my lunch hour is over. Yup, gotta go!
