Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Yes, the title is cheesy

Yes, yes, I'm fully aware, for those of you that know me, my blog title is totally cheesy, because, in case you haven't noticed, I'm tall.

And everyone points it out. The first time they meet me. Any and all jokes are directed at the height.  The first question out of anyone's mouth is "How tall are you?" Quickly followed by "Do you play basketball??"  Yes, that's all it takes to be a basketball player.  Height.  Oh wait, um, no.  There's the whole issue of hand-eye coordination, ability to run without falling, and overall athletic ability and talent.  Okay, so I DID play basketball in high school, but no, I didn't play in college and, no, I do not play for the Tulsa Shock. And, no, you cannot have my autograph.  Actually, yes, yes you can.  I'm number 31. Look for me on the court.  But they've been thinking of trading me for 2 less talented basketball players. I'm THAT good.  So if you don't see me, that's what happened.

I don't walk around asking short people if they are a horse jockey, drive the tiny clown cars in parades, or a flight attendent on the really small planes. Nor do I ask if they're tall enough to ride any given ride in an amusement park.

Yes, I can reach things up high. No, the air isn't any different up here. Yes, I've heard every joke and every pick-up line you could possibly come up with. No, you're NOT original.

Although, when we went to Vegas, I did hear the MOST original pick-up line - tall or not:

"Hey baby, you and me would make a perfect '10'.  You'll be the 1 and I'll be the big, fat 0."

Although the only way I could tell it was really a pick-up line was that it was in the middle of a bar, and he followed it with "lets go back up to my room."  Is making yourself sound slightly loser-ish the new way to pick up chicks in a bar these days?  Spoiler alert!: I said "No thanks." Best. Pick-up. Line. Ever.

So there ya go, people, the whole explanation behind my blog title. 

Read it. Love it. Laugh. That's all I ask.

1 comment:

  1. I am your first follower!!! Woo! Joe is number 31. He has a way of having crushes on my friends- so we wont tell him that. He's 16.
    I like your blog already!
