Monday, January 31, 2011

I've got it!!!

Okay, I've finally got it! After pondering and pondering (okay, I almost gave up on this whole blog business because I couldn't think of anything worthwhile to write about, and then today it just hit me), I finally know what my blog will consist of........wait for it.....this blog will henceforth be about fitness and nutrition.  Now, obviously I'm no shining example of perfect fitness by any means.....If I were, given my height, I'd be a model or professional athlete of some sort....and definitely not blogging about it.

I've always been super-interested in nutrition and the right ways to work out and still make it fun. I mean, I played basketball in high school and hated running with a burning passion.  Especially just going to the baseline to run for mistakes.  THAT'S where it starts! (Epiphany happening right now, people!) In high school sports, you're FORCED to run for your mistakes.  Mistakes = running. Therefore running = hell. And then you go to college, rebel, and get fat.  Okay, that's exaggerating a little, but whatev.

So here we go. I'll post here tips on fitness and nutrition I find any and everywhere I can.  And, naturally I'll pepper it with my own opinions, stories from friends, and, since I love my life, probably tidbits of that here and there as well.  I welcome the comments. BRING. IT. ON......ready? Go.


  1. I think it's a good idea! I look forward to learning new tips! I am giving The South Beach Diet a whirl. I'm on a day one... so I'll let you know how it goes.

  2. Woo hoo!! If there is anything on here like the baked ziti recipe you passed along we're in for a treat!! I can't wait, my work out is getting boring again and I can't wait to get a wii so I can add that in too, plus have a dance dance revolution party!
