Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Becoming a Morning Person

So, like many people in the world, especially fresh out of college (...or 3 years, whatever) I've always been more of a night owl....followed, of course, by this phrase on most mornings: "DON'T talk to me until I've had at least 2 cups of coffee."  However, I've found myself recently turning into.....A MORNING PERSON.  I know, I will wait a moment for the shock to wear off........

Okay, c'mon. It can't be THAT shocking.  Anyway, after doing a boot camp class every morning at 5:30 a.m. for a solid month, I've realized just how AMAZING morning workouts really are.  Not only that, but if I do my workout early enough, I have plenty of time to get ready, and not my previous routine (which was basically; wake up late, jump out of bed, 5 minute shower, brush my teeth, hair in a ponytail, and go. NOT cute).  Morning workouts give you more energy, bump up your metabolism for the rest of the day, and basically set you on track - AND your workout for the day is done and you don't have to worry about it again.

Oh, another great thing about morning workouts.  It gives me time to actually eat breakfast.  And let me tell you, not only is breakfast the MOST IMPORTANT MEAL OF THE DAY, but its also the most delicious, in my opinion.....anyone who knows me can tell you that 1. I LOVE brunch and 2. I am a carb-o-holic so breakfast is pretty perfect in my eyes.  I know, you're thinking "breakfast foods are so high-calorie and bad for you. Why are you ruining all that hard work you just did in your workout."  Au contraire, not all breakfast foods are bad for you!!!  Here's a list of some really healthy breakfast choices. My personal favorites will, of course, be in bold (because I try to force my opinions on anyone who will listen)

Oatmeal - I make mine with milk (or water and a scoop of protein powder) and cinnamon!  Then add either frozen blueberries or sliced bananas (only add sugar if you have to)

Cereal - top a high fiber cereal with a sprinkle of granola and bananas, strawberries, or your favorite fruit. Choose either low-fat milk or plain yogurt.  Gives a good combo of fiber, protein and calcium.

Smoothies - great for on-the-go!  Add a scoop of protein powder after a workout (or if you just don't typically eat a lot of meat, like me)

Eggs - scrambled eggs (1 whole egg, 1 egg white) and a piece of whole-wheat toast, with some fruit on the side.

Breakfast burritoes - yes, breakfast burritoes can be healthy! Scrambled eggs (1 whole, 1 egg white), turkey bacon or turkey sausage, in a low-carb whole wheat tortilla, with salsa, low-fat sour cream, and a little bit of cheese.

Whole grain English muffins - with peanut butter! (Whole Foods has the fresh ground peanut butter - DELICIOUS) with some fruit and a glass of milk if you need some calcium

Cottage cheese - with fruit or nuts. It's high in protein and has calcium.

Vegetables - yes, they too can be breakfast.  Add them to eggs (mushrooms, broccoli, spinach, etc) with salt and pepper (and ketchup, if desired) for a scramble or an omelette.

Enjoy your day by getting off to a great start!!

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