Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Competitive Drive - Shut Up and Run

I like to think it's because I'm such an easy-going and laid back person, but I'm not incredibly competitive when it comes to sports....of any kind really. (It could also have a tiny bit to do with that whole "lack of balance and torn ligaments in my knee" thing)  In fact, I'm fairly certain my best friend, when we were in high school, totally jumped at the chance to never ever have to be my tennis partner again after about 2 matches (And for good reason. She's super competitive and a natural born athlete).  I was the kid who "played" softball in 5th grade and stood out in the outfield picking weeds flowers out of the grass.  Yeah, I think we've established me and sports-related comptetition don't mix (yes, I'm tall. yes, I played basketball in high school)

Now, don't go thinkin' I have no competitive drive whatsoever.  You would be sorely mistaken.  When it comes to school and clubs and leadership roles, be prepared to lose, Mr. AnyOneWhoDaresGoAgainstMe.  Seriously, just try writing a better research paper, because mine has zero spelling mistakes, minimal "be verbs", God-forbid ever a fragmented sentence, and my first draft is most likely the final draft. Boom. Consider yourself "schooled". (I believe the word you're looking for here is "awesome")

And now everyone knows what a big nerd I am.

I've recently also become very competitive when it comes to fitness.  And, fortunately for my own benefit I'm mostly competitive with myself.  I joined a really awesome boot camp I found out about through a LivingSocial deal.  It was only for a month but, if I was going to have access to a kick-ass trainer for a month I was going to make the most of it.  In less than a month I lost over 5% body fat and said to my month-ago-self "Booyah! Take that...myself!!"  So, now that I'm on my own, I have goals set for the next month (the first of which is continue to get up every morning at 5:30 of my own accord.) so that I win against myself again and again and again.

Oh, and speaking of competitiveness, check out this race  obstacle course 3.5 miles of hell I'm doing this weekend!  Warrior Dash - Oklahoma Course!
And here's a pic of one of the obstacles....for your entertainment

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