Thursday, March 17, 2011

No such thing as a "plateau"

So right before Christmas, I had hit a plateau (dun dun dun *scary music*).  I had been exercising like a fool (because I'm one of those people who would rather work out hours a day and eat what I want) but nothing was happening.  So, what did I do? I took a "break"...and by break, I mean over Thanksgiving and Christmas I ate every bad thing I could get my hands on.  And by "bad", I mean DELICIOUS......anyway, I digress...what I SHOULD HAVE done, was pay attention to more than just the stupid scale....

So we all know about BMI.  What most people don't realize is that it's just a calculation of numbers.  The bad thing, is that it doesn't take into account your muscle mass.  It doesn't distinguish between muscle and fat, so, while it's a good indicator of if you're overweight or healthy, it's definitely not the only thing you want to rely on.  Here are some great suggestions I found of what to look at and consider when you've hit the supposed "plateau" in your venture to healthy living:

Take measurements, with a good, ole' fashioned measuring tape.  Write it down.  Measure your arms, chest, waist (belly button) hips (standing feet hip-width apart and measure at your biggest area), and even calves.  Take the measurements every 4-6 weeks.  If you're losing inches, you're probably still losing fat and gaining muscle = no plateau.

Take stock of your energy levels and mood.  When you're exercising regularly, you're probably getting more sleep, your energy levels are higher, you feel better in your body, and you're overall happier with yourself.  That doesn't sound like a plateau to me!

Go to your closet.  Do your clothes fit better?  Can you fit into that smaller size? See? No plateau here.

When you think you've hit a plateau, you probably really haven't.  You're just paying attention to the scale, which, a lot like your BMI number, doesn't give you the whole story.  If you're exercising and still making an attempt to eat right, you're making a positive difference on your body.  Everything you do will pay off eventually, and is well worth the effort.  Don't give up. Your hard work is paying off!!

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